Batting, Notions and Other Service Costs
Hobbs Heirloom® Premium 80/20 Cotton Blend is available in 108" widths @ $15.25/yard.
This is my most popular batting because it offers more loft and less weight than traditional cotton battings. Heirloom 80/20 is made with 80% natural cotton & 20% fine polyester. It is needle punched and spray bonded to provide exceptional strength and durability. Shrinkage of 3-5% and may be quilted up to 4” apart.
Hobbs Heirloom® Premium 80/20 Cotton Blend in Black is also available in 108" widths @ $15.25/yard.
Hobbs Heirloom® Washable Wool is available at $18/yard in 108" widths. I personally love it as it's very soft and luxurious drape-ability. Heirloom® Wool is a light weight, breathable batting that is great to cover up with. Hobbs wool batting is made with the finest washable wool in the world. It is spray bonded to provide added durability and resist bearding and migration. Shrinkage of 0-3% and may be quilted up to 4” apart.
Embroidery: Would you like that special embroidered Signature block for the quilt? I'd be happy to work with you to create a one-of-a-kind block for your quilt or embroider it directly on the backing. Contact me for an estimate.
Piecing, repairs, ironing, or other such labour is charged out at $18.50/hour.
Binding: French binding is made from your cloth, applied then hand-stitched to the back of the quilt. My charge is 35 cents / linear inch.
Minke, Fireside or other such plush backing: These are a special item and requires spray stabilization and additional clean-up for the machine. I'm happy to do these and love the texture but will charge you a flat fee of $8/quilt.
Other items will be added as they are made available. Stay 'Tooned'.